Balancing Ambition with Acceptance

 Being in the limelight has always been my dream. But that does not happen to all. I thought I had it all figured out but life had other plans for me. As they say, life is like a river and keeps flowing without any flow so we just move with it.
I am a planner I have things set out by this time I will have this and that done.God help me because this beahiour is not getting out of me. I like moving in a given direction set by me. Yes, you saw it am the delusional person but its not working.Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. So just living by grace and having the hope that things will work out .
Iam putting this on ink for anyone who is like me .there are some hacks we need to have but adapting them is not that easy.Yes your hear something it touches you and you want to practice it and then the problems  kick in.Staying in line.

But one think i know am a go getter.Iam always out there but it took me time to understand  chase the right things and be on one direction.You cant be everyI've always harbored a deep-seated desire to bask in the glow of the limelight. The allure of recognition and success has been a driving force in my life, propelling me to meticulously plan out my journey to achieve my ambitions. However, life has a way of throwing unexpected twists and turns our way, disrupting even the most carefully laid-out plans. Despite my best efforts to have everything under control, I've come to understand that life is akin to a flowing river, and we must learn to navigate its currents and adapt to its ever-changing course.

As a self-professed planner, I've always been driven by the pursuit of my predetermined goals, meticulously plotting out the steps to be taken at specific times. This penchant for structure and control has often led me to believe that I can orchestrate every aspect of my life. However, I've come to realize that this inclination may not always serve me well. It's a delicate balance between being a go-getter and recognizing the need to surrender to the ebb and flow of life's uncertainties. 

While I strive to be in command of my path, I've encountered moments where my best-laid plans falter, leaving me feeling disoriented and disillusioned. It's during these times that I've had to remind myself to lean into grace, to trust in the unseen forces that guide our lives, and to hold onto the hope that things will eventually fall into place. 

It's a sentiment I wish to impart to others who may find themselves wrestling with similar challenges. The process of embracing new tactics and strategies, while appealing in theory, often presents unforeseen hurdles and complexities. The journey of self-improvement and growth is riddled with moments of doubt and resistance, making it crucial to cultivate resilience and openness to change.

I've recognized that being a go-getter isn't solely about unyielding determination, but also about discerning the right pursuits and committing to a well-defined path. It's an acknowledgment that one cannot be omnipresent, attempting to capture every opportunity that presents itself. Instead, I've learned to place my trust in the power of perseverance, focusing my energy on the endeavors that align with my authentic desires and values.

In the grand tapestry of life, I've come to understand that surrendering the desire to control every aspect of my journey doesn't equate to complacency. It's a conscious choice to relinquish the need for omnipotence, recognizing that there are forces beyond our influence. By embracing this surrender, I've discovered a newfound sense of freedom and authenticity in pursuing a path that resonates deeply with my aspirations and convictions.where.Omnipresence we leave it For Our Supreme Being God.Have your path well defined and follow that.Dont force yourself to be known by everything.

Take it slow and as they God Timing is the best let it be . 



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